WHEELS! is a new program based on the Marathon Infinity game engine. It is designed to allow disabled children to learn to pilot powered wheelchairs more efficiently. The game is set up as a 3D shooter with watered-down "monsters" such as evil clowns and mad robots. The game was designed to be as non-violent as possible. The player is armed with a pie-launcher. No blood, no gore and as little stress with as much fun as possible. As the player gets better, the difficulty can be increased to add more of a challenge. At higher difficulties, the walkways get narrower and the player takes damage from contact with the walls. Designed as a trainer for kids in powered wheel chairs, this game can be played with many different controllers, such as joystick, mouse, trackball, intellikeys, keyboard, tracker, headmouse and other devices. If in doubt, contact RJ Cooper & Associates at the link to their homepage at the top of the screen.